Am I missing something?

Am I alone in thinking that I just don’t get AI? I know how to use Chat-GTP etc etc but I’m struggling to understand how to embed AI into my business… Where do I even begin to unpack it’s potential? What if it replaces people? Should I encourage my team to use it more openly?

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We’ve been making a conscious effort in our business to talk more openly about how people in the team use AI and that’s also helped settle any fears our team may have about job losses etc. We’ve found it helpful in smaller tasks so far… would love to learn from other’s who may have made some bigger changes with AI.

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I don’t even know how to use Chat GPT . My only experience with AI was the other evening , when I saw a pop-up about using AI to design websites . I logged on , and there were about 5 ‘sections’ , each with half a dozen questions about my industry , whether we already had a logo , and whether we advertised products on Ebay or Amazon ( Obviously , its Trade Me here in NZ , it allowed me to enter the relevant details ) .
At the end , it took about 5 seconds and up popped a ‘beta’ website , with a store , a blog , etc . Interestingly , the wording seemed better and more persuasive than my ham-fisted attempts on our existing ‘template’ style site , I’m not sure if I agree with the slightly fake references ( taken off Trade Me feedback but slightly out of context ) . It even suggested one whole new category of products , presumably as some other overseas businesses in our industry sell these .
I haven’t clicked and paid yet , but it is about $30 a month plus 5% , so similar to the established providers , it does look and read better , but what amazed me was the speed – maybe 10-15 minutes all up , whereas the older template was several hours just to get functioning , and then lots of hours uploading products , decriptions , pricing , etc .

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I think everyone is totally figuring it out as they go. It’s something we’ve slowly started embedding into the business, and the more and more you encourage people to use it the more they grow and become confident in it. Gemini has also just launched free trials as part of G-Suite, could always trial that for free if you’re on google?

Think of the different pain points in your business and see if you can use AI to help imporve things.